Organic solid preparation fermented with inoculations of microorganisms beneficial for the plant. It protects the soil and roots from various types of pathogens, accelerates the decomposition processes of nutrients and therefore promotes their absorption, making them rapidly bio available.
100% handmade
Wheat bran, oat flour, organic vegetable compost and beneficial microorganisms.
Our bacteria: bacillus Licheniformis, bacillus Megaterium, bacillus Subtilis, Streptomyces Griseoflavus, Pseudomonas Fluorecents, Pseudomonas Putris, Rodopseudomona Palustris
Our fungi: glomus Aggregatum, glomus Etunicatum, glomus Mosseae, rhizophagus Irregularis.
Aerated tea: 15g of Ecobiobooster and 1.5ml of organic molasses for each liter of dechlorinated water. Oxygenate between 8 hours at 24 °C and 24 hours at 15 °C. Apply for irrigation (it can be diluted with 20/25% of dechlorinated water).
Aerated compost tea: add 10g of vermicompost (for each liter of dechlorinated water) to the aerated tea recipe. Oxygenate between 12 hours at 24 °C and 36 hours at 15 °C. Apply for irrigation (it can be diluted with 30/35% of dechlorinated water).
TopDress: spread a fine layer on the substrate surface, irrigate with dechlorinated water. For more effective cover with a mulch.
During the flowering:
Day 5: aerated compost tea.
Day 15: aerated tea + 8/10g TopDressFlo for each 10lt of substrate.
Day 25: aerated compost tea.
Day 35: aerated tea + 16/20g TopDressFlo for each 10lt of substrate.
Day 45: aerated tea + 8/10g TopDressFlo for each 10lt of substrate.
Day 55: aerated compost tea. After this point irrigate with water only.
* 8/10g = 1/2 tblsp - 16/20g = 1 tblsp
XSMALL size per 50/60 litri (11/13 gal) di Supersoil | Dogma.